Može li čovjek ispuniti Božji zakon

Može li čovjek ispuniti Božji zakon?

U Starom savezu, no one was able to fulfill the law of God. Isus Krist, Sin Boga živoga, was the first One, Who fulfilled the law of God. How could Jesus fulfill the law of

image mountains and pine-trees with title the whole creation is created in Jesus Christ

Cijelo je stvorenje stvoreno u Isusu Kristu

Cijelo je stvorenje stvoreno u Isusu Kristu; riječ. All things in heaven and on earth, the visible and invisible, are created by Him and for Him. There’s not one creation that is created without Him. Everything has its existence

Postoji li kršćanska psihologija

Postoji li kršćanska psihologija?

Ovih dana, sasvim je normalno posjetiti psihologa. Mnogi ljudi žive s duševnom boli, neopraštanje, bijes, anksioznost, strah, i tugu ili iskustvo problema u ponašanju, bračni problemi, prisile, emocionalni poremećaji, depresija, problemi s pićem, problemi s drogom, Poremećaji u prehrani, stres, etc.,

Kako odložiti starca

Kako odložiti starca?

When your spirit is raised from the dead and you are born again it is very important to feed your spirit. Your spirit needs to grow up and mature so that your spirit will reign in your life instead

image bible with eraser blog title a new bible translation the geb

A new Bible translation: The GEB

It won’t be long before a new Bible translation comes out: The GEB. The GEB Bible will fit perfectly in Today’s world. You are probably wondering what GEB stands for… Dobro, GEB stands for the Gum Eraser Bible. Da, vas…

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