
How to put on the new man?

在以弗所书中 4:24, 保罗写到穿上新人. 因为如果你已经成为新造的人; 新人, 借着在基督里的信心和重生, 你也应该像新人一样行走. What does the



在旧约中, no one was able to fulfill the law of God. 耶稣基督, 永生神的儿子, was the first One, Who fulfilled the law of God. How could Jesus fulfill the law of

image mountains and pine-trees with title the whole creation is created in Jesus Christ


整个受造物都是在耶稣基督里创造的; 这个单词. All things in heaven and on earth, the visible and invisible, are created by Him and for Him. There’s not one creation that is created without Him. Everything has its existence



这些日子, it’s very normal to visit a psychologist. Many people live with mental pain, 不宽恕, 愤怒, 焦虑, 害怕, and sorrow or experience behavioral problems, marital problems, compulsions, emotional disorders, 沮丧, drinking problems, drug problems, 饮食失调, 压力, etc.,



当你的灵魂从死里复活并且你重生时,喂养你的灵魂非常重要. Your spirit needs to grow up and mature so that your spirit will reign in your life instead

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