Tko je starac

Što Biblija kaže o starcu?

When a person is born on this earth, the person is born in the flesh and contains a body and soul. Every person is born of the (corrupted) seed of Adam and is born in a fallen state. Everyone is born

Priznanje moći protiv duha straha

Priznanje moći protiv duha straha

Ima mnogo kršćana, koji žive u ropstvu straha. Svaki dan njima upravlja i muči ih duh straha koji kontrolira njihove živote. Kako se osloboditi straha? Ako ste nanovo rođeni kršćanin, vas…

Doktrine đavola ubijaju crkvu 1 Timothy 4:1-2

Kako doktrine đavola ubijaju Crkvu

Once upon a time, there was a person, who had a little dog. The person loved the little dog very much and never let the dog out of sight. One day a friend came and asked if the person was

Two ways to go through a storm

The two ways to go through a storm

In the Bible in Matthew 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (novi čovjek) or as the old creation (stari…

rob Isusov ili rob đavla

čiji si rob?

People don’t like the word slave and don’t want to be called someone’s slave. But in life, you will be someone’s slave. Pitanje je, whose slave are you? Do you live after the flesh and do you belong

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