image bible with eraser blog title a new bible translation the geb

A new Bible translation: The GEB

It won’t be long before a new Bible translation comes out: The GEB. The GEB Bible will fit perfectly in Today’s world. You are probably wondering what GEB stands for… 良い, GEB stands for the Gum Eraser Bible. はい, あなた…

Confession of power against a spirit of fear

A confession of power against a spirit of fear

クリスチャンはたくさんいます, who live in bondage of fear. Every day they’re governed and tormented by a spirit of fear that controls their lives. How do you get rid of fear? あなたが新生クリスチャンであれば, あなた…

Two ways to go through a storm

The two ways to go through a storm

In the Bible in Matthew 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (新しい男) or as the old creation (the old

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