Det er mange kristne, som lever i fryktens trelldom. Hver dag blir de styrt og plaget av en ånd av frykt som kontrollerer livene deres. How do you get rid of fear? If you are a born-again Christian, du…
En gang i tiden, det var en person, som hadde en liten hund. Personen elsket den lille hunden veldig mye og slapp aldri hunden ut av syne. One day a friend came and asked if the person was…
In the Bible in Matthew 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (den nye mannen) or as the old creation (the old…
People don’t like the word slave and don’t want to be called someone’s slave. But in life, you will be someone’s slave. Spørsmålet er, whose slave are you? Do you live after the flesh and do you belong…
There are several blog posts written about the cross and the perfect work of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all humanity and took all the sins and iniquities of the world upon Him. Through Jesus’ work…