Kresťanov je veľa, ktorí žijú v otroctve strachu. Každý deň sú ovládaní a mučení duchom strachu, ktorý ovláda ich životy. Ako sa zbavíte strachu? Ak ste znovuzrodený kresťan, vy…
Once upon a time, there was a person, who had a little dog. The person loved the little dog very much and never let the dog out of sight. One day a friend came and asked if the person was…
In the Bible in Matthew 8:23-27, we read about the two ways to go through a storm in life. You can go through a storm as the new creation (nový muž) or as the old creation (starý…
Ľudia nemajú radi slovo otrok a nechcú byť označovaní za niekoho otroka. Ale v živote, budeš niekoho otrokom. Otázkou je, koho si otrokom? Do you live after the flesh and do you belong…
There are several blog posts written about the cross and the perfect work of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all humanity and took all the sins and iniquities of the world upon Him. Through Jesus’ práca…