Danger de consulter les esprits

Quel est le danger de consulter les esprits?

Consulting spirits is a well-known phenomenon, but many people are not aware of the danger of consulting spirits. People consult spirits for various reasons. They are curious about their future or seek insight in the spiritual realm and secret

Le danger de la télévision

Quel est le danger de la télévision?

Almost everyone has a television in their home. About 60 years ago the television was a rare item. Not everyone could afford a television. Therefore only rich people were able to buy a television. Back then, the television didn’t have

Bible say about the fruit of the Spirit

What does the Bible say about the fruit of the Spirit?

When you repent and become born again by water and the Spirit of God, Vous deviendrez une nouvelle création. You will lay down your old life and the old man’s nature, which is full of evil. You will put on the

Laisse-moi te divertir dit le diable aux chrétiens

Laissez-moi vous divertir! Dit le diable aux chrétiens

Laissez-moi vous divertir, dit le diable aux chrétiens. Divertir les chrétiens est quelque chose que le diable et ses sbires adorent faire. Le diable aime divertir les chrétiens parce que de cette façon, le diable éloigne les chrétiens de Dieu et de sa Parole…

Les chrétiens luttent contre un ennemi invisible

Combattre un ennemi invisible

Imagine, a boxer stepping into a boxing ring blindfolded. The fight starts and the blindfolded boxer starts fighting and punching like crazy because he is fighting against an invisible enemy. His coach gives the blindfolded boxer valuable instructions. But because

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