There are several blog posts written about the cross and the perfect work of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died on the cross for all humanity and took all the sins and iniquities of the world upon Him. Po Isusu’ work…
Ima mnogo ljudi, uključujući kršćane, who watch porn on television or the internet or buy pornographic literature and delight themselves in what they see. They feed their mind with these erotic images that stir up sexual feelings and create…
In this world, it’s just unthinkable to live without the internet. Although the Internet has many advantages, the Internet has also a lot of disadvantages. When you responsibly use the internet and prevent the internet from becoming an idol…
Ima mnogo ljudi, including children, who spend hours gaming. They don’t consider gaming a waste of time and don’t see the spiritual dangers of video games, but they consider gaming a positive source of entertainment and a way to…
Ima li televizija pozitivan utjecaj na razvoj djece ili televizija ima negativan utjecaj na razvoj djece? Kakav učinak ima gledanje televizije na umove i ponašanje djece? Pogledajmo…