image television with blog title the danger of television for children

Ni hatari gani ya televisheni kwa watoto?

Does television have a positive influence on the development of children or does television have a negative influence on the development of children? What effect has watching television on the minds and behavior of children? Let’s look at the

Picha ya Biblia yenye kichwa Je, Ulijua 50 Siku baada ya Pasaka

Nini kimetokea 50 Siku baada ya Pasaka?

Did you know that 50 days after Passover, God gave His law (The Torah) via Moses to His people? By giving His law and commandments, God made His will known to His carnal people. But did you also know

hatari ya kushauriana na mizimu

Kuna hatari gani ya kushauriana na mizimu?

Consulting spirits is a well-known phenomenon, but many people are not aware of the danger of consulting spirits. People consult spirits for various reasons. They are curious about their future or seek insight in the spiritual realm and secret

Hatari ya televisheni

Ni hatari gani ya televisheni?

Almost everyone has a television in their home. About 60 years ago the television was a rare item. Not everyone could afford a television. Therefore only rich people were able to buy a television. Back then, the television didn’t have

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa