这里有很多人, 包括基督徒, 他们在电视或互联网上观看色情片,或购买色情文学作品,并因所看到的而感到高兴. They feed their mind with these erotic images that stir up sexual feelings and create…
In this world, it’s just unthinkable to live without the internet. Although the Internet has many advantages, the Internet has also a lot of disadvantages. When you responsibly use the internet and prevent the internet from becoming an idol…
这里有很多人, 包括儿童, who spend hours gaming. They don’t consider gaming a waste of time and don’t see the spiritual dangers of video games, but they consider gaming a positive source of entertainment and a way to…
Does television have a positive influence on the development of children or does television have a negative influence on the development of children? What effect has watching television on the minds and behavior of children? Let’s look at the…
您知道吗 50 逾越节后的日子, 上帝赐下了祂的律法 (摩西五经) 通过摩西给他的子民? 通过颁布祂的律法和诫命, 上帝使他的旨意被他的肉体子民知道. 但你也知道吗…