带有博客标题的图像电视 电视对儿童的危险


Does television have a positive influence on the development of children or does television have a negative influence on the development of children? What effect has watching television on the minds and behavior of children? Let’s look at the

图片圣经与标题你知道吗 50 逾越节后几天

发生了什么 50 逾越节后的几天?

您知道吗 50 逾越节后的日子, 上帝赐下了祂的律法 (摩西五经) 通过摩西给他的子民? 通过颁布祂的律法和诫命, 上帝使他的旨意被他的肉体子民知道. 但你也知道吗…



Consulting spirits is a well-known phenomenon, but many people are not aware of the danger of consulting spirits. People consult spirits for various reasons. They are curious about their future or seek insight in the spiritual realm and secret



Almost everyone has a television in their home. About 60 years ago the television was a rare item. Not everyone could afford a television. Therefore only rich people were able to buy a television. Back then, the television didn’t have

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