Laat ek jou vermaak sê die duiwel vir Christene

Laat ek jou vermaak! Sê die duiwel vir Christene

Laat ek jou vermaak, sê die duiwel vir Christene. Om Christene te vermaak is iets wat die duiwel en sy trawante graag doen. Die duiwel hou daarvan om Christene te vermaak, want op dié manier hou die duiwel Christene ver weg van God en sy Woord…

Christians are fighting against an invisible enemy

Veg teen 'n onsigbare vyand

Dink, a boxer stepping into a boxing ring blindfolded. The fight starts and the blindfolded boxer starts fighting and punching like crazy because he is fighting against an invisible enemy. His coach gives the blindfolded boxer valuable instructions. But because

Wat sê die Bybel oor tatoeëermerke?

Wat sê die Bybel oor tatoeëermerke?

Tatoeëermerke het baie gewild geword. Al hoe meer mense, insluitend Christene kry tatoeëermerke. Daar is amper geen verskil meer tussen die lewenstyl van ongelowiges en gelowiges nie. Maar moet Christene tatoeëermerke kry of tatoeëermerke 'n sonde is? What does the

Wat is die gebooie van God en gebooie van Jesus

Die gebooie van God vs die gebooie van Jesus Christus

Do the ten commandments of God apply to Christians? What did Jesus say about the ten commandments and the other commandments of God? What are the commandments of Jesus Christ? Do the commandments of Jesus contradict the commandments of

are the commandments of God valid

Are the commandments of God still valid?

In baie kerke, people are more focused on supernatural manifestations than on the Word of God and the process of sanctification. Die kruis, the blood of Jesus, and the grace of God are often used as an excuse to not

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