Tahukah Anda bahwa 50 hari-hari setelah Paskah, Tuhan memberikan hukum-Nya (Taurat) melalui Musa kepada umat-Nya? Dengan memberikan hukum dan perintah-perintah-Nya, Allah membuat kehendak-Nya diketahui oleh umat duniawi-Nya. Tapi tahukah Anda juga…
Consulting spirits is a well-known phenomenon, but many people are not aware of the danger of consulting spirits. People consult spirits for various reasons. They are curious about their future or seek insight in the spiritual realm and secret…
Almost everyone has a television in their home. About 60 years ago the television was a rare item. Not everyone could afford a television. Therefore only rich people were able to buy a television. Back then, the television didn’t have…
When you repent and become born again by water and the Spirit of God, you will become a new creation. You will lay down your old life and the old man’s nature, which is full of evil. You will put on the…
Biarkan saya menghibur Anda, says the devil to Christians. Entertaining Christians is something the devil and his minions love doing. The devil loves to entertain Christians because that way the devil keeps Christians far away from God and His Word…