O que a Bíblia diz sobre tatuagens?

O que a Bíblia diz sobre tatuagens?

As tatuagens se tornaram muito populares. Mais e mais pessoas, incluindo cristãos estão fazendo tatuagens. Quase não há mais diferença entre o estilo de vida dos incrédulos e dos crentes. Mas os cristãos devem fazer tatuagens ou as tatuagens são um pecado? O que faz o…

Quais são os mandamentos de Deus e os mandamentos de Jesus

Os mandamentos de Deus versus os mandamentos de Jesus Cristo

Do the ten commandments of God apply to Christians? What did Jesus say about the ten commandments and the other commandments of God? What are the commandments of Jesus Christ? Do the commandments of Jesus contradict the commandments of

are the commandments of God valid

Are the commandments of God still valid?

Em muitas igrejas, people are more focused on supernatural manifestations than on the Word of God and the process of sanctification. A Cruz, o sangue de Jesus, and the grace of God are often used as an excuse to not

Segredo da lei

Qual é o segredo da Lei?

Em Mateus 5:17, it is written that Jesus didn’t come to earth to destroy the law, but Jesus came to fulfill the law. Although many people in the Old Covenant considered the law burdensome, Jesus knew the secret of the

How Jesus thrown out of the church

Is Jesus thrown out of the church?

De acordo com a Bíblia, Jesus is the Head of the Church. The Church is His Body and should represent Jesus Christ and establish His Kingdom on earth. The Church should yield to Jesus Christ; the Word and listen to

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