What does the Bible say about tattoos?

What does the Bible say about tattoos?

Tattoos have become very popular. More and more people, including Christians are getting tattoos. There’s hardly any difference anymore between the lifestyle of unbelievers and believers. But should Christians get tattoos or are tattoos a sin? What does the

What are the commandments of God and commandments of Jesus

Poruncile lui Dumnezeu vs poruncile lui Isus Hristos

Cele zece porunci ale lui Dumnezeu se aplică creștinilor? Ce a spus Isus despre cele zece porunci și despre celelalte porunci ale lui Dumnezeu? Care sunt poruncile lui Isus Hristos? Do the commandments of Jesus contradict the commandments of

sunt poruncile lui Dumnezeu valabile

Sunt poruncile lui Dumnezeu încă valabile??

În multe biserici, people are more focused on supernatural manifestations than on the Word of God and the process of sanctification. Crucea, sângele lui Isus, and the grace of God are often used as an excuse to not

Secretul legii

Care este secretul Legii?

În Matei 5:17, it is written that Jesus didn’t come to earth to destroy the law, dar Isus a venit să împlinească legea. Although many people in the Old Covenant considered the law burdensome, Jesus knew the secret of the

Cum a fost dat Isus afară din biserică

Este Isus dat afară din biserică?

According to the Bible, Jesus is the Head of the Church. The Church is His Body and should represent Jesus Christ and establish His Kingdom on earth. The Church should yield to Jesus Christ; the Word and listen to

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