Hur Jesus kastades ut ur kyrkan

Är Jesus utkastad ur kyrkan?

According to the Bible, Jesus is the Head of the Church. The Church is His Body and should represent Jesus Christ and establish His Kingdom on earth. The Church should yield to Jesus Christ; the Word and listen to

Count the cost meaning BIble Luke 14:28

Vad innebär det att räkna kostnaden?

In Luke 14:28, Jesus said to count the cost when He talked to the crowd about a man, who was building a tower and a king who was going to war. But what did Jesus mean by counting the

The call to repentance

The call to repentance

What is the call to repentance? The call to repentance is the message that is preached throughout the Bible. I Gamla testamentet, the message of the call to repentance was preached by the prophets. In the New Testament,…

Vad är omvändelse

Vad är omvändelse?

The regenerated life of a Christian begins with repentance. Repentance is the first step after hearing the word of God and believing in Jesus Christ (Guds Son) and His blood. Without repentance you cannot become born again

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