Hesabu gharama maana BIble Luka 14:28

Inamaanisha nini kuhesabu gharama?

Katika Luka 14:28, Jesus said to count the cost when He talked to the crowd about a man, ambaye alikuwa akijenga mnara na mfalme anayeenda vitani. But what did Jesus mean by counting the

Wito wa toba

Wito wa toba

Wito wa toba ni nini? Wito wa toba ni ujumbe ambao unahubiriwa katika Biblia nzima. Katika Agano la Kale, Ujumbe wa wito wa toba ulihubiriwa na manabii. In the New Testament,…

toba ni nini

toba ni nini?

The regenerated life of a Christian begins with repentance. Repentance is the first step after hearing the word of God and believing in Jesus Christ (Mwana wa Mungu) and His blood. Without repentance you cannot become born again

kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa