What is repentance

What is repentance?

The regenerated life of a Christian begins with repentance. Repentance is the first step after hearing the word of God and believing in Jesus Christ (Jumalan Poika) and His blood. Without repentance you cannot become born again

How to walk in the dominion God has given to the new creation

How to walk in the dominion that God has given you?

When God created man, God gave dominion to man to rule on the earth. Man only walked in his dominion for a short period. Because of the disobedience of man, man fell from his position of authority and lost

Jeesus kallisarvoinen kulmakivi tai kompastuskivi

Onko Jeesus kallisarvoinen kulmakivi vai kompastuskivi?

Matteuksen evankeliumissa 21:41 ja 1 Kikkeli 2:6-8, we read that Jesus Christ is the chief Cornerstone. But we also read that Jesus is a Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense. What does a Stone of stumbling mean?…

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