
掌控你的想法, 在你的思想掌控你之前

In this article the mind is discussed and how important it is to take authority over your thoughts. 因为如果你不掌控自己的想法, your thoughts take authority over you and rule your life. Let’s have



当神创造人时, 神将统治权赐给人类来统治地球. Man only walked in his dominion for a short period. 因为人的不服从, man fell from his position of authority and lost



The disobedience to God didn’t begin in the garden of Eden on earth. It didn’t start with Adam. But the first battle in the garden and the first time someone became disobedient to God began in Heaven, in Eden; 这…

What does walking in the fear of the Lord mean?

What does walking in the fear of the Lord mean?

Walking on the narrow path of the Lord, means walking in the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord has nothing to do with being fearful, 焦虑的, or afraid of God. But to fear the Lord means to

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