What does walking in the fear of the Lord mean?

What does walking in the fear of the Lord mean?

Walking on the narrow path of the Lord, means walking in the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord has nothing to do with being fearful, tjeskoban, or afraid of God. But to fear the Lord means to

What does walking in love mean according to Bible

What does walking in love mean according to the Bible?

What does the Bible say about walking in love? Do you walk in love, when you are kind to people and tolerate and approve all things, uključujući grijehe i bezakonja? Many Christians think that when you walk in love, vas…

Što Biblija kaže o homoseksualnosti

Što Biblija kaže o homoseksualnosti?

U crkvi se vodi mnogo rasprava o homoseksualnosti. Može li kršćanin biti homoseksualac (homoseksualac)? Odobrava li Bog homoseksualnost i istospolne parove i treba li homoseksualnost biti prihvaćena u crkvi ili ne? There are churches

Ostaješ li uvijek grešnik

Ostaješ li uvijek grešnik?

Is once a sinner always a sinner true? Ostaješ li uvijek grešnik? If once a sinner always a sinner is true, then why did Jesus have to come to this earth and be sacrificed for mankind if we

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