Bly jy altyd 'n sondaar

Bly jy altyd 'n sondaar?

Is once a sinner always a sinner true? Bly jy altyd 'n sondaar? If once a sinner always a sinner is true, then why did Jesus have to come to this earth and be sacrificed for mankind if we

Belydenis oor God

Belydenis oor God

Elke dag, Christene moet God dank en God erken vir Wie Hy is. Hierdie belydenis oor God behoort in die mond van elke Christen te wees. Elke Christen moet getuig oor die grootheid van God en volgens hulle lewe…

The redemptive Names of God

Die verlossende name van God

In a previous blogpost the Creatorship Names of God were discussed. In this blogpost the Redemptive Names of God are discussed. Jehovah – ‘I am that I am’ And God said unto Moses, I Am that I Am: and He said,…

Creatorship Names of God

The Creatorship Names of God

In die Bybel, the names of God can be divided into two categories: Creatorship (Elohistic) Names of God Redemptive (Jehovahistic) Names of God In this blogpost the Creatorship Names of God are discussed. The Redemptive Names of God will

Vind lewe in Jesus Christus

Wie my vind, vind die lewe

For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Spreuke 8:35-36) When you find Jesus Christ, you find life. Wanneer jy…

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