Otkupiteljska Božja imena

Otkupiteljska Božja imena

U prethodnom postu na blogu raspravljalo se o Božjim imenima Stvoriteljstva. U ovom postu na blogu raspravlja se o otkupiteljskim imenima Božjim. Jahve – 'Ja sam koji jesam' I reče Bog Mojsiju, Ja sam koji jesam: i rekao je,…

Božja imena stvaralaštva

Božja imena za Stvoriteljstvo

U Bibliji, Božja imena mogu se podijeliti u dvije kategorije: Stvaralaštvo (Elohistički) Imena Boga Otkupljenja (Jehovistički) Imena Boga U ovom postu na blogu raspravlja se o Božjim imenima Stvoriteljstva. Otkupiteljska Božja Imena će…

FInd life in Jesus Christ

Whoso finds me finds life

For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Izreke 8:35-36) When you find Jesus Christ, you find life. Kada ti…

Listen to Jesus and watch His gates

Listen to Jesus and watch His gates

Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors (Izreke 8:34) Kada ti, as son of God, listen to Jesus and obey Him, you shall be blessed. He wants you to

Listen to Jesus

Listen to Jesus

Now therefore hearken unto me, O vi djeco: for blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not (Izreke 8:32-33) Jesus speaks to the children, to the sons of God, which we have

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