Vyznanie o Bohu

Vyznanie o Bohu

Každý deň, Kresťania by mali Bohu ďakovať a uznávať Boha takého, aký je. Toto vyznanie o Bohu by mal mať v ústach každý kresťan. Každý kresťan by mal svedčiť o veľkosti Boha a žiť podľa toho…

The redemptive Names of God

The Redemptive Names of God

In a previous blogpost the Creatorship Names of God were discussed. In this blogpost the Redemptive Names of God are discussed. Jehova – ‘I am that I am’ And God said unto Moses, I Am that I Am: and He said,…

Creatorship Names of God

The Creatorship Names of God

V Biblii, the names of God can be divided into two categories: Creatorship (Elohistic) Names of God Redemptive (Jehovahistic) Names of God In this blogpost the Creatorship Names of God are discussed. The Redemptive Names of God will

FInd life in Jesus Christ

Whoso finds me finds life

For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Príslovia 8:35-36) When you find Jesus Christ, you find life. Keď ty…

Listen to Jesus and watch His gates

Listen to Jesus and watch His gates

Blessed is the man that hears me, denne sleduje moje brány, čakám na stĺpoch mojich dverí (Príslovia 8:34) Keď ty, as son of God, listen to Jesus and obey Him, you shall be blessed. He wants you to

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