The redemptive Names of God

The Redemptive Names of God

In a previous blogpost the Creatorship Names of God were discussed. In this blogpost the Redemptive Names of God are discussed. Jehovah‘I am that I am’ And God said unto Moses, I Am that I Am: and He said,…

Creatorship Names of God

The Creatorship Names of God

In the Bible, the names of God can be divided into two categories: Creatorship (Elohistic) Names of God Redemptive (Jehovahistic) Names of God In this blogpost the Creatorship Names of God are discussed. The Redemptive Names of God will

O le ola ia Iesu Keriso

O ai e mauaina au e maua le ola

For whoso finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Faataoto 8:35-36) When you find Jesus Christ, you find life. A e…

Faalogo ia Iesu ma vaavaai i Ona faitotoa

Faalogo ia Iesu ma vaavaai i Ona faitotoa

Amuia le tagata e faalogo mai ia te au, leoleo i aso uma i oʻu faitotoʻa, fa'atalitali i pou o o'u faitoto'a (Faataoto 8:34) A e, o le atalii o le Atua, faalogo ia Iesu ma usiusitai ia te Ia, e manuia oe. He wants you to

Faalogo ia Iesu

Faalogo ia Iesu

Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not (Faataoto 8:32-33) Jesus speaks to the children, to the sons of God, which we have

sese: E puipuia lenei anotusi