Shall you not die if you keep sinning?

Shall you not die if you keep sinning?

Shall you not die if you keep sinning? That’s what many Christians believe. They think that it doesn’t matter how you live, as long as you believe in Jesus. But don’t these words sound familiar and remind you of

Naon Alkitab nyebutkeun ngeunaan kecap Allah?

Naon Alkitab nyebutkeun ngeunaan kecap Allah?

The Bible says that the words of God are the truth. The words of the Lord are spirit and life and are both water and fire. The word of God is a lamp and a light and is quick,…

Image water with title article Have not the faith with respect of persons

Have not the faith with respect of persons

God is no Respecter of persons and neither are his sons (this applies to both males and females). At least, that’s how it should be. In James 2:1 it is written, My brethren, have not the faith of our

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