4 Reasons why you must be born again

4 Reasons why you must be born again

你有没有想过, why you must be born again? Why couldn’t humanity stay the way they were, after the fall? Why isn’t a confession of your faith statement, a church visit, 读圣经, a prayer, ETC. enough?…

The fruit of the Spirit is better than gold

The fruit of the Spirit is better than gold

My fruit is better than gold, 是的, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver (箴言 8:19) 当你成为新造的人时, 并跟随圣灵而行, you shall bear the fruit of the Spirit. (Read

What is riches?

What is riches?

Riches and honour are with me; 是的, durable riches and righteousness (箴言 8:18) What is riches? When you talk about riches and wealth, many people think immediately about money. Because in this world to be rich means having a lot of



In the Bible in John 3: 1-10, Jesus spoke with Nicodemus about being born again. 耶稣的意思是什么, when He said to Nicodemus that you must be born again to see and enter the Kingdom of God? 什么…

Those that seek Me early shall find Me

Those that seek Me early shall find Me

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me (箴言 8:17) The love of God for people is shown, in the fact that He gave His only beloved Son. Jesus has also shown His love

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