Utjecajem poznatih osoba i društvenih medija, joga je ponovno ušla u zapadni svijet. Joga je ponovno ušla jer je osamdesetih joga također bila hype. Mnogi ljudi smatraju da je joga korisna za njihovo zdravlje (Tijelo i um) and traveled…
They are all plain to him that understands, And right to them that find knowledge (Izreke 8:9) All the words of God are plain for those who understand. The Word is righteous and integer, that’s why you can rely on…
The Bible is the Word of God and the Bible is the Truth of God. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then you believe in the Word. Because Jesus Christ is the living Word made flesh (Ivan 1:14). Ako ste…
Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man. O ye simple, understand wisdom: i, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of…
U većini zapadnih zemalja, gotovo polovica brakova završi razvodom. Možete misliti, da se ova visoka stopa razvoda odnosi samo na brakove nevjernika, ali nažalost, that’s not true. Many Christian marriages end in divorce. Što…