Мудрость и понимание

Мудрость и понимание

Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman: That they may keep thee from the strange woman, from the stranger which flatters with her words (Пословицы 7:4-5) The Word is there, to keep you from the snares

Решение проблемы хаоса, Пословицы 7:3

Каково решение хаоса?

God has given the solution for chaos in His Word. В Библии в Притчах 7, we read about the importance of the words of God and keeping the words of God. В стихах 3, the Word tells us

Зеница твоего ока – Пословицы 7:2

Keep My commandments, и живите; and My law as the apple of your eye (Пословицы 7:2) Когда ты любишь Иисуса, you shall obey Him and keep His commandments. Если вы соблюдаете Его заповеди, you shall walk in Him and live.

Как ты утомляешь Господа

Как ты утомляешь Господа?

Есть много христиан, who weary the Lord. Как ты утомляешь Господа? Библия говорит, you have wearied the Lord with your words, Yet ye say, wherein have we wearied Him? When ye say, Every one that

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