How to convert your spouse

How to convert your unbelieving spouse?

What do you do, when you’re a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ, but your spouse doesn’t believe in God and refuses to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord? What do you do, when you live with an unbelieving

How will you be able to stand

How will you be able to stand?

Dangukeun kuring ayeuna, Aduh barudak, jeung merhatikeun kecap-kecap tina sungut kuring. Ulah ngantep haté anjeun nolak kana cara dirina, ulah sesat dina jalanna (Paribasa 7:24-25) When we look at the spiritual meaning of these

Wisdom and understanding

Wisdom and understanding

Ucapkeun kana hikmah, Anjeun adi kuring; jeung nelepon pamahaman kinswoman Anjeun: Anu aranjeunna tiasa ngajaga anjeun tina awéwé aneh, from the stranger which flatters with her words (Paribasa 7:4-5) The Word is there, to keep you from the snares

The solution for chaos, Paribasa 7:3

What is the solution for chaos?

God has given the solution for chaos in His Word. In the Bible in Proverbs 7, we read about the importance of the words of God and keeping the words of God. In verse 3, the Word tells us

kasalahan: Eusi ieu ditangtayungan