Wie ermüden Sie den Herrn?

Wie ermüden Sie den Herrn??

Es gibt viele Christen, die den Herrn ermüden. Wie ermüden Sie den Herrn?? Die Bibel sagt, Du hast den Herrn mit deinen Worten ermüdet, Doch sagst du, Womit haben wir ihn ermüdet?? Wenn du sagst, Every one that

The words and commandments of the Father

The words and commandments of the Father

Mein Sohn, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee (Sprichwörter 7:1) The father commands his son, to keep his words, and to lay up his commandments with him. The same thing applies to us, as born again believers.

Wofür wählst du Himmel oder Hölle??

Was wirst du wählen?: Himmel oder Hölle?

Heaven or hell, that’s the choice that every person must make in his or her life. The final destination of a person’s life is made during the person’s life on earth. Every person has been given a free will, Zu…

Committing adultery

Christians committing adultery in secret

There are many Christians committing adultery in secret. But when you commit adultery, no matter whether you commit adultery in secret or openly, you shall not be innocent but you shall be guilty of sin. The act of adultery

The reason why you don't have victory in life

The reason why you don’t have victory in life

Es gibt viele Christen, who don’t experience a victorious life but a defeated life and wonder what they do wrong. Maybe you are one of them and wonder, why you don’t experience victory in your life? Are you tired

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