The apple of your eye – les proverbes 7:2

Gardez mes commandements, et vie; and My law as the apple of your eye (les proverbes 7:2) Quand vous aimez Jésus, you shall obey Him and keep His commandments. Si tu gardes ses commandements, you shall walk in Him and live.

How do you weary the Lord

How do you weary the Lord?

Il y a beaucoup de chrétiens, who weary the Lord. How do you weary the Lord? La Bible dit, you have wearied the Lord with your words, Yet ye say, wherein have we wearied Him? When ye say, Every one that

Les paroles et les commandements du Père

Les paroles et les commandements du Père

Mon fils, garde mes mots, et dépose mes commandements avec toi (les proverbes 7:1) Le père ordonne à son fils, de tenir ses paroles, et de lui imposer ses commandements. La même chose s’applique à nous, as born again believers.

Que choisissez-vous le Ciel ou l’enfer ??

Que choisirez-vous ?: Le ciel ou l’enfer?

Heaven or hell, that’s the choice that every person must make in his or her life. The final destination of a person’s life is made during the person’s life on earth. Every person has been given a free will, à…

Committing adultery

Christians committing adultery in secret

There are many Christians committing adultery in secret. But when you commit adultery, no matter whether you commit adultery in secret or openly, you shall not be innocent but you shall be guilty of sin. The act of adultery

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