The measure of sin and the judgments of God

너는 항상 죄인으로 남아 있느냐?

How to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

Committing adultery

Christians committing adultery in secret

There are many Christians committing adultery in secret. But when you commit adultery, no matter whether you commit adultery in secret or openly, you shall not be innocent but you shall be guilty of sin. The act of adultery

The reason why you don't have victory in life

인생에서 승리하지 못하는 이유

기독교인이 많네요, 승리한 삶이 아니라 패배한 삶을 경험하며 자신이 무엇을 잘못하고 있는지 궁금해하는 사람들. 어쩌면 당신도 그들 중 하나일지도 모릅니다., 당신이 인생에서 승리를 경험하지 못하는 이유? Are you tired

don't lust after her beauty

Don’t lust after her beauty

Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids (잠언 6:25) Sometimes, certain things may seem so appealing, wonderful and good, but the truth; the Word of God, tells us something else. 지금, it

year of the breakthrough

The year of the breakthrough?

The New Year has begun, and I would like to wish you all a blessed 2015! When family, friends, churches or Christian organisations send their New Year’s wishes, they always write something like: ‘this shall be a year of

A lamp and a light

A lamp and a light

For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: To keep thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman (잠언 6:23-24)…

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