Колоссянам 3:15 – Пусть мир Божий правит в ваших сердцах и будьте благодарны

В Послании к Колоссянам 3:15, Павел написал, Пусть мир Божий правит в ваших сердцах, к которым и вы призваны в одном Теле; и будьте благодарны. О каком мире говорил Павел? What does it mean to let the peace of God rule in your hearts?

Jesus is our peace

В Послании к Колоссянам 3:15, Paul spoke about the peace of God. The peace of God is the peace, which Jesus promised and left behind to those, кто верит в Него, рождены свыше в Нем, and live in obedience to God after the Word and the Spirit.

Jesus is our peace and brought the peace of God on earth by preaching and bringing the Kingdom of God and by His perfect redemptive work. Через Его искупительную работу, Jesus destroyed the враждебность between God and man in His flesh and reconciled man back to God. Jesus restored the peace between God and man (Ой. Бытие 3:15, римляне 5, 2 Коринфянам 5:16-21, Ефесянам 2:12-18).

The peace between God and man is restored in Christ

Итак, оправдываясь верою, мы имеем мир с Богом через Господа нашего Иисуса Христа: Через Которого верою и имеем мы доступ к той благодати, в которой стоим, и радоваться надеждой славы Божией (римляне 5:1-2)

Ибо Он есть мир наш, who hath made both one, и разрушил среднюю стену перегородки между нами; Упразднив в Своей плоти вражду, даже закон заповедей, содержащийся в таинствах; ибо сотворить в Себе двоих одного нового человека, Так что заключение мира; И чтобы Он примирил обоих с Богом в одном теле на кресте, тем самым убив вражду: И, придя, проповедовал мир вам, далеким, и тем, кто был близок. Ибо через Него мы оба имеем доступ одним Духом к Отцу (Ефесянам 2:14-18)

The peace of Christ reconciles man with God, restores the position of fallen man on earth, makes man whole (полный, здоровый), and joins them together in one Body: Его Церковь.

Каждый, who gives heed to the call of God and the call of repentance and by faith in Jesus Christ becomes born again in Him becomes a new creation. The new creation belongs to Jesus Christ and the Father and is made righteous by His blood and redemptive work. The new creation has peace with God and belongs to the Body of Christ that is made alive by the Holy Spirit. (Читайте также: What peace did Jesus bring on earth? И Мир, который Иисус восстановил между падшим человеком и Богом).

The peace of God that Jesus gives

Эти вещи я говорил вам, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: но не унывайте; Я победил мир (Джон 16:33)

Мир я оставляю с тобой, Мой мир я даю тебе: не так, как дает мир, дай я тебе (Джон 14:27)

Jesus promised to give His peace. Однако, this peace is not the peace the world gives. The peace of God that Jesus gives, passes all understanding. It’s a peace that remains forever.

Peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus Philippians 4:7

It is not a temporary peace, which comes and goes. This peace doesn’t depend upon external factors; ситуации, и обстоятельства. But the peace of God is always present in the heart, no matter what happens.

It is a permanent peace, which you can’t deserve nor obtain by following methods and techniques and by applying formulas. (Читайте также: Техническая вера)

This peace derives from God. Jesus walked in this peace and gave this peace to the believers. The peace of God is always present in the hearts of born-again Christians by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Peace is a fruit of the Spirit. The fruit peace is present in the lives of Christians, who abide in Him, слово.

As long as you abide in Christ, you shall experience His peace. No matter what situation you are in. And no matter the circumstances, and persecutions.

This peace of Christ brings peace between God and man, но разделение between the world and (новый) мужчина. It deals with the enmity against God and reigns in the lives of Christians.

The peace of Christ rules in the heart of the new man

The word ‘rulesin Colossians 3:15 is translated from the Greek word ‘brabeuō’ (G1018). It means to arbitrate, то есть, (вообще) to govern (figuratively prevail), правило.

The peace of Christ, which is present in the heart of the new man, ought to rule and act as an umpire; an arbitrator. This means that the peace of Christ decides all matters in the hearts of believers, with the aim that the peace between God and the new man remains, and that the peace between those, who are born of God and belong to the Body of Christ, remains.

This peace keeps the peace between God and man. This peace causes man to walk in submission and obedience to God in holiness and righteousness and destroys the evil works of darkness).

If the peace of God rules in the hearts of believers, who are called and united in one Body by the peace of God, the Body shall be healthy. The members of the Body shall be spiritual and of one of mind, instead of carnal and divided. They obey the words and commandments of Jesus Christ. And they shall promote and do the righteous works and remove sin and iniquity (Ой. римляне 12:4-5, 1 Коринфянам 12:12-18, Ефесянам 2:16; 4:3-4).

Пусть мир Божий правит в ваших сердцах и будьте благодарны

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, к которым и вы призваны в одном Теле; и будьте благодарны (Колоссянам 3:15)

Ибо Царствие Божие не есть пища и питье; но праведность, и мир, и радость в Духе Святом (римляне 14:17)

Царство Божие есть праведность, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Romans 14:17

If the peace of Christ rules in the hearts of believers, the believers shall live in peace with God and with each other.

They shall walk on the path of peace. They’ll do the righteous works of faith, whereby they represent and bring the peace of God, which Jesus left behind, на земле.

Believers shall preach the truth of God and be peacemakers between man and God. They shall expose and destroy the works of darkness instead of preaching lies and being promoters of sin and accomplices in perpetuating the (works of) темнота. (Читайте также: Миротворцы Божьи).

Радуйтесь всегда. Молитесь непрестанно. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you (1 Салоники 5:16-18)

Let this peace of God, which you have received through -and in Christ rule in your heart and guide you. And always be thankful in every situation.

Потому что сыны Божьи (это касается как мужчин, так и женщин) live in gratitude towards God. In every situation, they are thankful to God and sacrifice to God with the voice of thanksgiving. (Читайте также: Благодарность сынов Божьих).

«Будь солью земли’

*Согласие Стронга, Пояснительный словарь Vine 

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