The power of God’s Word

The power of God’s Word is often underestimated. And because of the fact that the power of God’s Word is underestimated, many people don’t read God’s Word anymore, let alone study God’s Word. Many people are too busy with their own lives and the things of this world. 他们说, they don’t have time to study the Word of God. But the truth is that they do have time, but they don’t take the time to study God’s Word and spend time together with the Word. Their priorities lie elsewhere.

Every person gets the same amount of hours a day and every person decides how to spend his or her time. A person will spend his or her time on what is important to him or her, and that’s where the person’s heart is. Someone may say that (s)he loves Jesus, but if (s)he really loves Jesus, 然后 (s)he shall spend a lot of time in the Word. Since Jesus is the living Word of God. The Word is the reflection of God and every word possesses His truth and life. How can you trust God if you don’t know Him? How can you live according to His will, 如果你不知道他的旨意? The only way to get to know the Father and to get to know His will is through Jesus Christ; 这个单词.

The power of God’s Word

There is power in God’s Word, because God’s Word possesses the truth and the life of God. No other book in the whole wide world can give and produce in people’s lives than what the living Book of God gives and produces. Only the Word has creative power and is able to change the state, nature, 和人们的生活.

Therefore it’s no surprise that the Bible is rejected by the world and even forbidden in some countries. Since their father and master, 恶魔, knows the power of God’s Word.

My words are spirit and lifeThe devil knows God and the power of His Word. He knows how the Word resisted him and disarmed and overcame him and took away his power (另请阅读: ‘The head of the devil bruised, 因为耶稣的脚跟受伤了’).

The devil knows the danger of those, who are 重生 in Christ and have become a new creation and possess the Word and are doers of the Word (另请阅读: ‘听者与行者')

Especially the prayer warriors, who possess the Word and pray after the Spirit God’s Word are a threat and danger for his kingdom.

Therefore he shall do everything he can to keep the people far away from God’s Word and prayer. A few of his tactics are a.o. that he keeps them busy with their own lives and distract them with the things of this world (另请阅读: ‘The four kinds of believers').

Because if he succeeds to keep the people busy with their own lives and keep them distracted with the things of this world, they don’t have time for the Word, 祷告, and the things of the Kingdom of God and become spiritually cold and passive.

As long as people remain unspiritual and carnal and/or have not 赶走老人, the devil shall succeed and achieve his goal.

Therefore it’s important to walk after the Spirit and stay spiritually active and awake in the Word and discern the spirits, so that you will not be tempted and misled and enter the broad way.

The purpose of Gods Word

所有经文都是上帝默示的, 并且对于教义是有利的, 为了责备, 用于修正, 为了正义的教导: 使属神的人得以完全, 为一切善行做好准备 (2 蒂莫西 3:16-17)

Every word of God possesses the truth and life of God and leads to salvation, a holy and righteous life, and eternal life. Because only the Word is able to discern the truth from the lies, refute those, who speak against the truth and to teach and correct the new man in the truth and educate in righteousness, so that the new man shall live according to God’s will and glorify Him with his or her life.

The following blog posts are written about the truth and the power of God’s Word:

Worship and glorify Jesus Christ through your life

Therefore it’s important to spend time in God’s Word and to read and study the Word in the right context through the Holy Spirit, instead of pick and chose words and/or scriptures and take them out of context and apply them to the 老人.

From your position in Christ and your life as the new man, you shall take the words of God, apply them to your life, and walk in the Word.

As long as you stay obedient to the Word and be a doer of the Word, you shall walk in 信仰. You shall discern the spirits and be able to resist the temptations of the devil and expose and cast down every lie and every work of the kingdom of darkness, so that you will worship and glorify Jesus Christ through your life.



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