Pouvez-vous prier pour les morts?

Prier pour les morts est pratiqué par les chrétiens, qui pensent pouvoir changer la destination finale du défunt par leurs prières. Et donc ils prient une prière pour la personne morte. But what does the Bible say about praying for the dead? Was praying for the souls of the dead practiced by the Church in the New Testament or is praying for the dead a false doctrine, which derived from the carnal human mind? When can you pray for the dead and when can’t you pray for the dead?

When can you pray for the dead?

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive (1 Corinthiens 15:22)

C’est pourquoi il dit, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light (Éphésiens 5:14)

Et tu as été vivifié, qui étaient morts dans leurs offenses et leurs péchés; Où autrefois vous marchiez selon le cours de ce monde, selon le prince de la puissance de l'air, l'esprit qui agit maintenant chez les enfants de la désobéissance: Entre lesquels aussi nous avons tous eu notre conversation dans le passé dans les convoitises de notre chair, satisfaire les désirs de la chair et de l'esprit; et étaient par nature les enfants de la colère, même comme les autres. Mais Dieu, qui est riche en miséricorde, pour son grand amour avec lequel il nous a aimés, Même quand nous étions morts dans nos péchés, nous a vivifiés avec Christ, (par grâce vous êtes sauvés;) (Efeziërs 2:1-5)

That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead (Philippiens 3:10-11)

Et toi, être mort dans vos péchés et l'incirconcision de votre chair, a-t-il vivifié avec Lui, je t'ai pardonné toutes mes offenses (Colossiens 2:13)

Je connais tes œuvres, que tu as un nom, que tu vives, et l’art mort (Révélation 3:1)

Pouvez-vous prier pour les morts? The answer to this question is both yes and no. Since there is a spiritual state of death and a natural state of death.

Chaque personne, who is not born again in Christ lives under the authority of the devil and the death in darkness and is dead to God. This state of death is the spiritual state of the old man. The old man is alive to the world but dead to God, because of his fallen state and sins and transgressions.

As long as a person lives on earth under the authority of the death in the kingdom of darkness, the person has the ability by faith and regeneration in Christ to be redeemed from the power of death and be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the spirit from the dead and to become alive to God.

You can pray and must pray for these people, who live on earth but are spiritually dead. 

When can’t you pray for the dead?

But it’s too late for those, who died and no longer live on this earth. You can’t pray for the deceased to change their final destination. Therefore the living can’t do anything for those, who have died and are no longer among us.

For the unbelievers, who passed away and didn’t believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and His redemptive work and have not repented and are not born again in Christ and therefore have not become a new creation during their lives on earth, there is no going back.

serviteur du péché

They have made a choice to obey sin and death and serve sin and death through their flesh and have rejected Jesus Christ, le Chemin, La vérité, et la Vie.

They were not willing to die in Christ’s death and to be raised from the dead in Him, but they loved their own lives.

This truth is hard and some people can’t bear this truth. Donc, in order to ease the pain of the living, who lost an unbeliever, many lies have been told and false doctrines have arisen throughout the ages, which caused them to believe that the living can still pray for the dead and change their final destination.

They believe that their prayers can ensure that the unrepented deceased and/or the deceased, who attended church and lived in friendship with God but persevered in sin, will still inherit eternal life.

One of these false doctrines is the doctrine of purgatory, which derives from the Catholic faith.

 What is purgatory?

En bref, purgatory is an intermediate state where the souls of the elect, who physically died and lived in friendship with God, but were not fully purified, will be purified by a cleansing fire. It is a place of purification until they reach the state of holiness, which is needed to enter heaven.

The prayers of the living are supposed to help the souls of the departed and shorten their time of purgatory.

The two main scriptures on which the doctrine of purgatory is based are 1 Corinthiens 3:10-15 et 2 Maccabees 12:4-44. Mais 1 Corinthiens 3:10-15 is not about the purification process after death, but about the Day of Judgment, when everyone will be judged according to his or her works on earth and 2 Maccabees 12:4-44 is part of the Apocrypha and is not acknowledged by protestants as the Word of God. 

Can you live in friendship with God without being fully purified?

C'est pourquoi nous sommes enterrés avec Lui par le baptême dans la mort: que comme Christ a été ressuscité des morts par la gloire du Père, même ainsi, nous devrions aussi marcher en nouveauté de vie. Car si nous avons été plantés ensemble à l'image de sa mort, nous serons aussi à l'image de sa résurrection: Sachant cela, que notre vieil homme est crucifié avec Lui, afin que le corps du péché soit détruit, que désormais nous ne devons plus servir le péché. Car celui qui est mort est libéré du péché. 

Maintenant, si nous sommes morts avec Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him: Sachant que le Christ, ressuscité d’entre les morts, ne meurt plus; death hath no more dominion over Him. For in that He died, He died unto sin once: but in that He liveth, He liveth unto God. De même, considérez-vous aussi comme morts au péché, mais vivant pour Dieu par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur (Romains 6:4-11)

Voyant que vous avez purifié vos âmes en obéissant à la vérité par l'Esprit pour un amour sincère des frères, veillez à vous aimer avec ferveur d'un cœur pur: Être né de nouveau, pas de graine corruptible, mais d'incorruptible, par la parole de Dieu, which liveth and abideth for ever (1 Pierre 1:22-23)

Can you be part of the elect and live in friendship with God without being fully sanctified? La réponse est non! The only way to God is through Jesus Christ and His blood. 

Jésus a été fait péché

Jésus-Christ est le Chemin, the Truth and the Life and it’s only by Jesus Christ and His blood and by faith and regeneration in Him, you can be saved and be made righteous and reconciled with God and enter the Kingdom of Heaven and live in union with Him (Oh. John 3:3-6; 3:16, 2 Corinthiens 5:21, Éphésiens 2:8-9) 

And if you have become a new creation and are reconciled with God and entered the Kingdom of God by faith, repentir, and regeneration in Christ, you shall be fully sanctified from all your sins and iniquities and no longer be a sinner (Lire aussi: 'Es-tu toujours un pécheur?' Et 'Pécheur un jour, toujours un pécheur?').

You shall no longer live in rebellion against God and persevere in sin and do the works of the flesh, since your flesh has died in Christ and you have been redeemed from sin and death and therefore you are no longer a slave of sin. But you shall live in obedience to God and His Word and Truth in His will and do righteous works.

A person can’t be saved and live in friendship with God through church membership or by attending a church service on a regular basis nor to do ‘good works’.

No single work, that is done out of the flesh is considered good and can make a person righteous. Since every carnal work derives from the nature of the old man and possesses a selfish character. Par exemple, a person may feel better by attending a church service and/or by doing ‘good works’ and become puffed up and exalts himself or herself above others and become prideful.

Car c'est par grâce que vous êtes sauvés par la foi; et cela ne vient pas de vous: c'est le don de Dieu: Pas de travaux, de peur qu'aucun homme ne se vante (Éphésiens 2:8-9)

Ne laisse donc pas le péché régner dans ton corps mortel, afin que vous lui obéissiez dans ses convoitises. Ne livrez pas non plus vos membres au péché comme des instruments d’iniquité.: mais abandonnez-vous à Dieu, comme ceux qui sont vivants d’entre les morts, et vos membres comme instruments de justice pour Dieu (Romains 6:12-13)

You are either saved and cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus from all your sins and iniquities and made righteous and are reconciled with the Father and shall walk after the Spirit in His will doing righteous works or you are not saved and not cleansed from your sins and iniquities and have not been made righteous and are not reconciled with the Father, but you are still the old creation, whereby you shall walk after the flesh and do the works of the flesh, ce qui est un péché.

The righteousness and mercy of God

Car Dieu a tant aimé le monde, qu’il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse pas, mais ayez la vie éternelle (John 3:16)

Et je prierai le Père, et il te donnera un autre Consolateur, afin qu’il demeure éternellement avec vous; Même l’Esprit de vérité; que le monde ne peut pas recevoir, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: mais vous le connaissez; for He dwells with you, et sera en toi (John 14:16-17)

Ceux, who believe in the doctrine of purgatory believe that purgatory shows God’s righteousness and mercy. But the righteousness and mercy of God are revealed in the New Covenant by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. 

It is the will of God that every man will be saved and not be lost forever. Therefore God has given His Son and His Spirit, so that every person on earth has been given the ability to become a son of God and walk as a son of God by faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration in Him.

Chaque personne a besoin de Jésus-Christ! Without Jesus Christ and without His blood no man can be saved and sanctified from his or her sins and iniquities and be made righteous (Lire aussi: ‘La vie n’est pas une question de découverte de soi, mais trouver Jésus’).

Can sins be forgiven after death?

He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal (John 12:25)

Can sins be forgiven after dead? La réponse est, Non! Your sins can be forgiven during your life on earth but not after you have died.

Is there purification after death and before the judgment?

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation (hébreu 9:27-28)

Voici la patience des saints: voici ceux qui gardent les commandements de Dieu, et la foi de Jésus (Révélation 14:12)

Once a person has died, it is over and judgment will follow. If a person has died, there is no way for the unsaved to become saved.

There is no intermediate state. There is no purgatory, where people have the ability to be purified with or without the prayers of the living on earth.

Dans Luc 16:19-31 Jesus told the story of the poor Lazarus and the rich man, qui appartenait au peuple de Dieu. In this story, the rich man was not given a second chance. The rich man was not purified, so that he still could go to heaven. Non, this was the destination of the rich man. This destination was so terrible, that the rich man wanted Lazarus to warn his father and five brothers in order to prevent them from going to the same destination. But the rich man’s request was not granted, since they had Moses and the prophets to whom they had to listen to. 

Judgment and the final destination

Et j’ai vu un grand trône blanc, et Celui qui était assis dessus, de la face de laquelle la terre et le ciel se sont enfuis; et il n’y avait pas de place pour eux. Et j’ai vu les morts, Petit et grand, se tenir devant Dieu; et les livres furent ouverts: et un autre livre fut ouvert, which is the Book of life: et les morts furent jugés d’après les choses qui étaient écrites dans les livres, selon leurs œuvres.

Et la mer rendit les morts qui s’y trouvaient; et la mort et l’enfer rendirent les morts qui étaient en eux: et chacun fut jugé selon ses œuvres. Et la mort et l’enfer furent jetés dans l’étang de feu. C’est le deuxième décès. And whosoever was not found written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of fire (Révélation 20:11-15)

Celui qui vaincra héritera de toutes choses; et je serai son Dieu, et il sera mon fils. Mais les craintifs, et incrédule, et l’abominable, et meurtriers, et les prostituées, et sorciers, et les idolâtres, et tous les menteurs, auront leur part dans l’étang qui brûle de feu et de soufre: qui est le deuxième décès (Révélation 21:7-8)

There is no purgatory, there is no place after death, where people can be purified and be saved. The only places mentioned in the Bible with fire are hell (Hadès) and the eternal lake of fire.

Tous ceux, who didn’t belong to Jesus Christ and have not been risen from the dead during their lives on earth and have not died in Him, but belong to the death, shall see the death and go to hell and stay there until they will be judged and after the judgment will receive the second death and will be cast into the eternal lake of fire (Lire aussi: ‘The baptism with fire').

Therefore stop believing the lie of the devil and stop praying for the departed souls. Instead begin to pray for the dead who live on earth, so that they will repent and by faith and regeneration in Christ shall be raised from the dead and shall become alive to God and be saved, so that they won’t see the death when they physically die, and burn in hell, but that they shall inherit eternal life.

Et, voir, j'arrive vite; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Je suis Alpha et Oméga, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last (Révélation 22:12-13)

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

Source: KJV, Wikipédia

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