Pourquoi la prière est importante et nécessaire?

L’importance et la nécessité de la prière sont souvent sous-estimées, Mais la prière est une partie fondamentale de la vie de chaque croyant né de nouveau, qui est devenu une nouvelle création. Praying is part of your relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father. Par Jésus-Christ, you have access to the Father and you may go directly to His throne. Next to the Word of God, prayer is the most powerful weapon in the spiritual warfare. The devil knows the power of the prayer of the righteous and therefore the devil does everything in his power to make the sons of God (les hommes et les femmes) passive and keep them away from prayer and attack prayer meetings. Therefore it’s important as Christians to stay spiritually awake and prevent the devil to accomplish hisdestructive works.

Articles about praying

There are several articles about prayer and why praying is important and necessary. These articles are listed below. If you would like to read the article, you can click on the subject.

  • La vie de prière secrète du croyant
    What does a healthy prayer life look like? Do you pray out of duty or love? How do you pray? What’s praying in tongues? What does Jesus say about prayer? What you do have to do, when your prayers are not answered?

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