Каков процесс освящения?

Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His blood and by faith and regeneration in Christ, you have been cleansed from all your sins and iniquities and made holy and righteous and reconciled with God. You have not been cleansed and made holy and righteous by your own works and by obeying all kinds of laws and regulations, but you have been cleansed and made holy and righteous by faith in Jesus Christ and His perfect work of redemption. When you have become a new creation and have been made holy and righteous, пришло время для процесса освящения. Каков процесс освящения? What does the Bible say about sanctification?

Каков процесс освящения?

А ты, которые когда-то были отчуждены и враги в вашем уме из-за злых дел, yet now hath He reconciled In the body of His flesh through death, представить вас святыми, непорочными и непорочными в Его глазах: Если вы продолжите в вере, обоснованной и устойчивой, и не отступайте от надежды на Евангелие, который вы слышали, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister (Колоссянам 1:21-23)

Через возрождение во Христе, ты стал сыном Божьим (как мужчина, так и женщина). You have been set apart from the world and belong to God. 

освящение - это воля Божия

After your repentance and regeneration in Christ, пришло время для процесса освящения. Because although you have become a son of God in the spiritual realm and the Holy Spirit dwells in you, most likely you shall not immediately walk as a son of God on earth, как Иисус. This is mainly because the flesh is in the way.

Плоть, including the carnal mind, still thinks and acts like the world and considers the wisdom and knowledge of the world and all the tangible things in the natural realm as the truth.

As long as the carnal mind doesn’t change, a person shall remain carnal (душевный) and sense-ruled and shall walk after the flesh.

Поэтому, the first step in the process of sanctification is to обнови свой разум со словами Бога, which are the truth and have created all the visible things around you, в том числе и вы.

The renewing of your mind

И не соответствовать этому миру: но преобразитесь обновлением ума вашего, чтобы вы могли доказать, что это хорошо, и приемлемо, и идеальный, воля Божия (римляне 12:2)

Ибо слово Божие быстро, и мощный, и острее любого обоюдоострого меча, пронзающий даже до разделения души и духа, и суставов и костного мозга, и различает помышления и намерения сердечные. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do (евреи 4:12-13)

The will of God is written upon your heart by the Holy Spirit, but your mind still thinks like the world. By reading and studying the words of God, you shall get to know God and gain insight into good and evil; what is according to the will of God and what is not according to the will of God.

The Word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, пронзающий даже до разделения души и духа.

The truth of the Word shall expose the false doctrines and all the lies of the devil.

Sanctified through the truth of God

Я дал им твое слово; и мир возненавидел их, потому что они не от мира, хотя я не от мира сего. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. Они не от мира, хотя я не от мира сего. Освяти их истиной Твоей: Слово Твое есть истина. Как ты послал меня в мир,, Так и Я послал их в мир. И ради них Я освящаю Себя, дабы и они были освящены истиной (Джон 17:14-19)

The Word is the Truth and becomes alive in you when you obey and apply the words of God in your life.

Слушатели против деятелей

As long as you only read and listen to the words of God but don’t do anything with the words of God, the words of God shall remain written words, and although they possess the life, мир, and power of God, they shall not reap anything.

Only if you read, listen to, and study the words of God and obey and apply the words of God in your life, the written words of God shall come alive in your life. 

You shall constantly cleanse yourself with the truth of God. And by the revelation of the Word and the Holy Spirit and the choice you make to follow the Word and the Spirit in your life, which means that you obey and do the words of God, you shall put off the works of the flesh and shall do the works of the Spirit.

Through obedience to the Word and the Spirit, your life shall change and you shall no longer live like the world and the way you lived before your repentance. 

Маленькая ложь во спасение не повредит?

Например, the world says, that a lie is not so bad and that a little white lie doesn’t hurt anyone and is permissible, as long as you can substantiate the lie and/or when it’s for your own benefit. In some cultures lying is even considered normal and part of the culture. But the Word commands to lie not. God doesn’t lie and therefore those, who are born of Him and have His nature shall not lie. Слово говорит, that the devil is a liar and that his children are liars and therefore shall lie (Ой. Левит 19:11, Числа 23:19, Ефесянам 4:25, Колоссянам 3:9, Тит 1:2, Джон 8:44 (Читайте также: ‘Каждая культура исчезает во Христе'))

Lying is not a work of the Spirit, but lying is a work of the flesh and should be put away. Это написано, that liars, who love the lie, will not inherit eternal life but eternal death (Ой. Откровение 22:15). 

Святой Дух обличает мир

Only through the Word you will get to know the will of God and discern good and evil. The Holy Spirit shall guide you and show you when something is good and when something is evil and against the воля Божия.

When the telephone rings and you say to a member of your family: “just say that I’m not here”, you lie. But you are not the only one who lies. You put the other person in a difficult position and make the other person complicit by asking the person to lie for you. The Holy Spirit will show you immediately, that what you have done is not good. 

If this doesn’t happen and you have no problem lying, you should wonder if you have received the Holy Spirit and if the Holy Spirit abides in you. Because one of the tasks of the Holy Spirit is that He reproves the world of sin.

Поэтому, if the Holy Spirit dwells in you and He shall reprove the world of sin, He shall definitely reprove you of sin. 

When the Holy Spirit confronts you and you become conscious of your sin, it’s up to you to obey Him and repent (in this case of your lie) and continue your walk.

And so there are many other areas in life that shall be dealt with during the process of sanctification. How fast the process of sanctification will go, all depends on your love for Jesus Christ.

«Будьте святы; for I am holy”

Как послушные дети, не приспосабливаясь к прежним похотям в своем невежестве: But as he which hath called you is holy, так будьте святы во всякой беседе; Потому что написано, Будьте святы; ибо Я свят (1 Питер 1:14-16)

По тому, как Он избрал нас в Нем прежде создания мира, чтобы мы были святы и непорочны пред Ним в любви (Ефесянам 1:4)

Every son of God will go through the process of sanctification. There is no one excluded from the process of sanctification. Since God is a holy God and He wants His sons to live holy lives. A holy life means to be set apart from the world unto God and do His will.

В процессе освящения, the works of the flesh shall be put away. The old man shall be put off and the new man, кто создан по образу Божию, shall be put on (Читайте также: 'Отложи старика' и 'Наденьте нового человека').

Shall you make mistakes in the beginning? Да! But there is a difference in the types of mistakes and whether you will make a mistake unconsciously or consciously and sin willfully. Because there are sins not unto death and sins unto death (Читайте также: ‘What are sins not unto death and sins unto death?').

Но теперь, освободившись от греха, и стать слугами Бога, вы имеете плоды святости, и конец вечной жизни. Ибо плата за грех – смерть; но дар Божий – жизнь вечная через Иисуса Христа, Господа нашего. (римляне 6:22-23)

Но те, who are born of God and have been made holy and righteous shall live from that righteous and holy position and from God’s nature in the will of God. Because as God is holy, those who are born of Him and belong to Him shall also be holy.

«Будь солью земли’

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