Do you let the prophecy become alive?

Do you let the prophecy become alive? What do you do after someone has prophesied over your life? I think most of you, have received a prophecy in your life. If not, don’t feel sorry. Because the Word of God tells you, who you really are and through His Word, you will find out God’s plan for your life. But if you have received a prophecy, what have you done with this prophecy?

Receiving a prophecy

A few years ago, when I went to Bible College, a few teachers, pastores, ministers, and prophets prophesied over my life. The remarkable thing was, that all those prophecies were somewhat alike. They were all pieces of a puzzle, that made a clear picture of what my future would be like. I think (but I don’t say it will always happen like this), that when you receive a prophecy, você sempre receberá uma confirmação, por Deus, através de Sua Palavra, ou por pessoas ao seu redor.

Você pode pensar, muito legal, mas por que você compartilha isso conosco? Bem, deixe-me dizer que nem todas essas profecias são visíveis em minha vida ainda.

Talvez você também tenha recebido várias profecias e pense; muito legal, mas não vejo nenhum deles acontecendo em minha vida.Talvez você pense, que eles estavam todos errados. Talvez eles sejam, talvez eles não sejam. Mas a única maneira de descobrir é semear essas profecias.

Semeando uma profecia

O que? Semeando uma profecia? O que você quer dizer? Bem, Vou lhe dar um exemplo: Digamos, você tem um jardim, e um dia você olha para o jardim e diz para si mesmo: “Acho que uma macieira ficaria fabulosa no meu jardim”. Naquele momento, você imagina, como seria. Na sua mente, você vê a imagem completa do seu jardim, com a macieira. A macieira ainda não existe, mas você vê isso em sua mente.

O que o homem semear, ele colherá Gálatas 6:5

Você gosta do que vê, e vá imediatamente a uma loja, para comprar as sementes. Antes de comprar as sementes, você vai olhar as fotos no saco de sementes, para ver se aquela macieira é a única, você tinha em mente. Quando você encontra as sementes exatas, você os compra e os leva para casa com você.

Quando você chegar em casa, você olha aquela foto de novo e fica todo animado. Mas você também está muito ocupado, com outras coisas, e adiar o plantio das sementes.

Nos dias seguintes, você está tão ocupado com as questões da vida cotidiana, que você de novo, adie o plantio das sementes em seu jardim.

Você colocou o saco de sementes em uma mesa lateral, em uma prateleira, or maybe you put it in a drawer.  Once in a while, you open the drawer and are reminded of the apple tree. But you postpone it again. This goes on for weeks, months, and years, and after 4 anos, there is still no apple tree in your garden. Por que?

Don’t forget to put the seeds in the ground

A resposta é muito simples: because you did not put the seeds in the ground and nurture them properly. There could have been an apple tree and you could have enjoyed the apples. But you did not take action, you didn’t do anything. That apple tree only existed in your mind and on the image of the bag of seeds.

The seeds stayed seeds and never became an apple tree.

This story is the same for prophecies. You receive a prophecy, God shows you a picture of your future, you get that for free, you don’t have to do anything. It won’t cost you any effort.

When you receive the prophecy and take it, but don’t do anything with it, because you are too busy with other things, it will just stay a prophecy. Maybe if you’re lucky, it will come to pass, but it will take action from your side as well.

How do you plant a promise?

Your job is to plant that promise. How do you plant a promise? By proclaiming that promise; “Senhor, you said that……“, and by thanking Him, it will come to pass.

Even when you don’t believe it, or when the circumstances are so bad, that you cannot imagine that this promise will come to pass.

Don’t give up! Keep that prophecy alive and proclaim it, day after day, and keep standing on the promise of the Lord.

You could write that prophecy down and hang it up on the wall. Every time you see it, you will be remembered, and instead of nodding and thinking; “yeah, someday maybe“. Believe it, proclaim it and say it out loud!

Let the prophecy become alive

Call those things which be not as though they were (Romanos 4:17)

I would like to encourage you, to hold on to that prophecy and don’t be discouraged. It doesn’t matter what kind of situation you are in now, or what people say about you. Believe the Word of God and His promises. Speak that promise into existence and be patient,

And while you wait, keep your eyes on Jesus Christ and stay in Him, because in Him all things are possible. Fique Nele, stay in the Word and keep His commandments. Stay on His way and don’t take any sideways.

I will promise you that if you stay faithful to Jesus, the seed will grow and bear fruit, and the prophecy become alive.

“Seja o sal da terra”

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