Prečo sa káže evanjelium prosperity

In the previous blog post the modern gospel was discussed, which has been changed into a prosperity gospel, whereby everything revolves around the material and financial prosperity and wealth of the carnal man. God is a Provider and He takes care of His children, for sure. But what people think they need, is often not in agreement what God thinks His people need. okrem toho, the gospel of Jesus Christ brings redemption for the old carnal man, who walks after the flesh. If the redemptive work of Jesus Christ is meant for the redemption of the starý telesný muž, how is it possible that doctrines are preached, which focus upon the carnal man and ensure that Christians keep walking after the flesh. The Word of God is not meant for the carnal man and to keep walking after the flesh and fulfill the lusts thereof, but the Word of God is meant for the spiritual man and to live after the spirit. The Word of God is focused upon repentance and to put off the old carnal man a do obliecť si nového muža, so that the spiritual transformation of the old carnal man into the new man, will become visible in the natural realm. Every word of God is meant for the spiritual man and the riches of the Kingdom of God and not meant for the carnal man and the riches of the world.

Technology makes people dependent and lazy

Never before, have there been so many technological developments as in the past 120 rokov. These developments seem good but are in reality deceptive and hidden traps of the devil. He uses technology to make people depended so that they cannot live without it. He uses technology to entertain people so that they become lazy and rather be entertained than study the Word of God. By using entertainment he keeps the people far away from the Bible and makes them passive. He fills their minds with his darkness and lies, and that way, he captivates the minds of people. All these technological developments have made people depended on technology, and can’t live without it.

Prosperity gospel makes people depended

Not only in the world, has there never been so many developments as in the past 120 rokov, that have ensured that people have become passive and depended upon the resources of the world, but also in the church of Jesus Christ, the same phenomenon has taken place in the spiritual realm. Through all the developments in Christianity, both good and bad, the devil has managed to find his way into the church and established his throne in many local churches.

Svetová cirkev sa pripravuje na antikristaVery slowly, he has changed the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ into a weak powerless gospel of man, whereby the carnal man and fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh, has become the center, namiesto Boha.

Just like the technological developments in the world, the devil has used his doctrines, to lead the believers astray and make them passive and depended upon preachers, money and wealth.

The devil has nothing to fear for his kingdom. He doesn’t have to be afraid and worried that believers become active and spiritual warriors and fight against him and his demons and stop their destructive works. Because through all these false doctrines, that are preached today, including the doctrines of hyper-grace and (materiál) prosperity and wealth, they stay focused upon themselves and their flesh.

As long as believers stay focused upon themselves and their flesh and stay earthly minded, the devil still has control over their lives. Through his lies, he keeps them in bondage. The devil even gives the believers, what they ask and pray for and make them prosperous in the world, so that they believe that it is from God. They think because they received what they asked and prayed for and because they are ‘blessed’ with money, success and wealth in the world, that this prosperity gospel is the truth and that it works, and draw many more people into this fake gospel.

A fake gospel

Just like in a fake marriage (sham marriage), the church has also joint herself into a fake marriage with Jesus, for the sake of economic, financial or emotional reasons. They listen to the modern doctrines of preachers and teachers, and because of their words, they make a choice to accept Jesus, so that they will also become blessed in their finances, and receive material possessions and wealth on this earth. They think they love Jesus and nasleduj ho, but they don’t do what He says. Namiesto toho, they go their own way and ‘serve’ Him only, to be financially prosperous and successful and to become wealthy. In reality, they don’t serve Jesus, ale diabol, because they listen to him.

enemies of the crossThe devil uses many carnal preaches, who keeps living after the flesh and are focused upon the material things and riches of this earth.

The devil works in the flesh, among others in the mind of people. Therefore he uses carnal preachers, whose minds are not obnovený Slovom Božím, but are still carnal, to build his kingdom. He misled them in their mind with his words, proroctvá, sen, vízie.

They think they please God because they get all kinds of new revelations, words, and technics and think it’s from Him, kým v realite, they derive from the devil, because they don’t line up with the Word, but slightly deviate from the Word. By listening and obeying them, they please the devil and do what he tells them to do. Nevedomky, they build his kingdom and set the stage for the coming of the antichrist.

The carnal doctrines of the devil are focused upon the carnal man, and ensure that the believers stay carnal and keep walking after the lusts and desires of the flesh and seek ways to satisfy them. The carnal words, that are sown in the flesh, will cause the believers to develop a love for money and wealth, and dependency upon money, earthly possessions and wealth so that they can’t live without it.

The mark of the beast

And he (the beast) causes all, malé aj veľké, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev 13:16-17)

When the mark of the beast will come (with the aid of technology, so that every move and action of people will be registered and monitored and keep people in bondage), their spirit shall be so poor and exhausted, that they shall not be able to resist the mark of the beast and therefore they will receive the mark of his name in their forehead or in their hands.

That’s the reason, why this gospel of overflowing prosperity and wealth must be preached all over the world. Takže to, this gospel of man replaces the true gospel of Jesus Christ and prevent that (duchovný) nové stvorenie; synovia Boží, SZO nasledovať Ježiša; the Word and walk in vôľa Božia, will be produced.

This prosperity gospel produces carnal believers, sons of Belial, who are earthly minded and focused upon themselves and their flesh, their status and walk according to the vôľa diabla. The devil is the author of this gospel and his purpose is to mislead as many believers as possible and lead them to the eternal lake of fire.

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