Proverbios 1:23 – I will pour out My Spirit unto you

¿Qué significa Proverbios? 1:23 significar, Turn you at My reproof: Mirad, I will pour out My Spirit unto you, I will make known My words unto you?

The promise of the Holy Spirit

God not only promised the outpouring of His Holy Spirit in the Book of Proverbs, but also in the Book of Ezekiel and Joel.

También os daré un corazón nuevo., y un espíritu nuevo pondré dentro de ti: y quitaré de vuestra carne el corazón de piedra, y te daré un corazón de carne. Y pondré mi espíritu dentro de ti, y os haré andar en mis estatutos, and you shall keep my judgments, y hazlos (Ezequiel 36:26-27)

And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land:then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, dice el señor (Ezequiel 37:14)

Y sucederá después, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; y vuestros hijos y vuestras hijas profetizarán,, tus viejos soñarán sueños, Vuestros jóvenes verán visiones: Y también sobre los siervos y sobre las siervas derramaré mi espíritu en aquellos días (joel 2:28-29)

I will pour out My Spirit unto you

Some people are still waiting for this promise of God. They are still waiting for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit. They are waiting, while God’s promise has already been taken place on the Day of Pentecostés.

image boat in water and mountains with text Proverbs 1-23 Turn ye at my reproof I will poor out my spirit unto you

God gave this promise to His people and Jesus confirmed His promise, by promising His disciples the coming of another Comforter; El espíritu santo. Jesus instructed His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for this promise of God.

His disciples obeyed His voice and waited together in the upper room in Jerusalem.

While they were praying and waiting for the promise, the Holy Spirit came and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

El new creations were created by the power of the Holy Spirit. These new creations were born of God and would be the witnesses of Jesus Christ, el Mesías; Son of the Almighty God.

What happened in the upper room with the disciples, still happens Today. God gives, a través de Jesucristo, His Holy Spirit, a aquellos, who believe in Jesus Christ and obey and follow Him (Leer también: ¿Cuándo recibes el Espíritu Santo??)

Turn at My reproof

God wants to give you His Holy Spirit. But He cannot give His Holy Spirit unless you listen to Him and turn at His reproof.

When you believe in Jesus Christ the Saviour of humanity, y arrepentirse from your life as a sinner and your walk of shame; your walk in sins and iniquities, and make Jesus the Lord over your life and lay down your own life en él, the Father will pour out His Spirit upon you. He will raise your spirit from the death by His power and the Holy Spirit will abide in you

Through faith, repentance and regeneration in Christ, you become the new creation; nacido del agua y del Espíritu. Como la nueva creación, you will no longer walk after the flesh; en pecados e iniquidades, but you will walk after the Spirit; en santidad y justicia.

The Lord will make known His words to you

Turn you at My reproof: Mirad, I will pour out My Spirit unto you, I will make known My words unto you (Proverbios 1:23)

After you have heard the word of God and turned at His reproof, He has poured out His Spirit upon you. Now that the Holy Spirit abides in you, the Lord will make His words known to you by His Spirit.

The Holy Spirit shall be your Comforter, your Helper, and He shall teach and you into all truth. Sí, He shall make His Word known unto you. Nothing will be hidden anymore. He shall reveal everything to you, in due time.

Lo único, you need to do, is submit to God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ; la palabra, and the Holy Spirit and listen to His words and, obey and follow Him.

'Sé la sal de la tierra'

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