les proverbes 10:1 – A wise son makes a glad father

Que fait les Proverbes 10:1 signifier, A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother?

Why a wise son makes a glad father?

.A wise son makes a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother (les proverbes 10:1).

A wise son listens to his parents because he knows that his parents have wisdom and understanding. He knows that his parents love him, and have the best intentions for his life. A wise son doesn’t rebel against his parents but trusts his parents. Therefore the son has a submissive attitude and is eager to learn from his parents. A wise son is open to their instructions and corrections.

Mais celui qui garde Sa Parole en lui est l'amour de Dieu parfait 1 John 2:5His parents will teach their son from the Bible and raise him in the Word of God. They will make known to him the will of the Lord and teach him, how to walk in the will of God; dans ses commandements.

Because a wise son honors his parents, submits to his parents, obeys his parents, and is open for corrections and chastening, a wise son is also able to submit to God, Lui obéir, and receive corrections and chastening from the Lord.

A wise son shall have a fear for God, which means that he has an awe for God, because he has been taught to fear, honorer, and respect his parents.

A wise son makes a glad father because he receives his instructions and grows up having wisdom and understanding. His father is glad, because he knows on what path his son is walking, and where this path leads him to.

Why a foolish son is the heaviness for his mother?

Un foolish son is the heaviness of his mother (les proverbes 10:1).

Cependant, a foolish son is a heaviness (a burden) for his mother. A foolish son is a rebel and does his own will. A foolish son is prideful and thinks he knows it better, and puts his trust in his intellect instead of his parents. He shall not listen, nor obey his parents and he shall not allow his parents to correct or chasten him.

A foolish son shall not honor, respect, and obey his parents, but he shall disobey his parents. He shall be unmanageable and shall go his own way.

A foolish son shall engage in wrong things, that go against the will of God and the (morale) standards, family values, and instructions of his parents. He shall get himself in trouble and then call his parents to help him and get him out of the trouble he has put himself in. A foolish son shall not not learn from his mistakes and shall not repent due to his pride.

The mother of a foolish son shall always worry about her son, because she loves her son, despite of his foolishness. She’ll always wonder where he is and what he is doing, not knowing whether he is good or not. She knows her son and she knows the path he walks on and where this path leads to. She is not at ease because she knows that it can go wrong at any moment. Donc, a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.

What kind of son are you?

A son of God (cela s'applique aussi bien aux hommes qu'aux femmes) is a wise son, who loves the Lord and fears Him. A wise son listens to His Father and walks in His commandments. He shall listen to God and obey His words. He allows his Father to lead and guide him into the truth and to teach, correct, and chastise him. Because he knows that the Father loves him and wants the best for him. A wise son of God shall be a doer of His words and shall walk on the path of righteousness, qui mène à la vie éternelle.

A son of the devil (cela s'applique aussi bien aux hommes qu'aux femmes) is a foolish son, who is full of pride and goes his own way. He despises God and rejects every commandment of God. He’ll not allow Him to teach and correct him, because he always knows it better. He would rather listen to strangers than listen to God. He is a foolish son to God but a wise son to the devil and walks on the path of unrighteousness in sin, which leads to eternal death.

'Soyez le sel de la terre’

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