In the Bible in Proverbs 10:12, eta ditulis, Hate stirs up strifes, but love covers all sins. What does Proverbs 10:12 mean?
Hate is a work of the flesh and love is a fruit of the Spirit
The flesh and the Spirit are contrary to one another. The flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit lusts against the flesh. Ku kituna it is impossible, that the two will go together (Galata 5:17).
The karya daging are contrary to the fruit of the Spirit. Hate, which is a work of the flesh, is the opposite of love, which is a fruit of the Spirit.
How Hate stirs up strifes?
Hate stirs up strifes: but love covers all sins (Paribasa 10:12)
Carnal people are led by their will, parasaan, jeung émosi. One moment, they can be friendly and loving; the next, they can hate the same person. Everything depends upon their circumstances, situations, and the way they are treated by others.
As long as everything goes according to their will, and people treat them, the way they want to be treated, everything is fine. But as soon as something doesn’t go according to their will, their feelings change instantly.
One moment, they can treat a friend with love and respect, but when their friend mistreats them, gives an undesired answer, falsely accuses them, or does something else that goes against their will, then it won’t be long, before they feel indignant and become angry, and develop feelings of hate against their friend.
They develop feelings of hate because the friend has not treated them the way they wanted to be treated.
The example of a friend is given, but it can also be a (grand)parent, spouse, child or another family member, acquaintance, colleague etc.
When people are carnal and led by feelings of hate and of angriness, then it won’t take long before the relationship will be disrupted and sometimes even end.
Carnal people shall do, what the world tells them to do and react as the world reacts. They shall take offense, take revenge to get even, and never forget the wrongs done to them.
They shall speak evil about the person to others and damage the reputation of that person. The hate shall cause arguments, conflicts, discord, and fights. Because hate always stirs up strife; discord, disharmony, enmity, friction, hostility, dispute, jsb.
How love covers all sins?
But when people are born again and walk after the Spirit, then they shall walk in love. This love is not the love of this world. It is not a love led by feelings and emotions and doesn’t depend upon circumstances and people. But this love is the cinta ka Allah and is led by the Holy Spirit and not by the flesh.
This love doesn’t compromise with the world and approves and accepts the works of darkness (dosa) and all other things that go against the will of God.
But this love loves God above all and keeps His commandments (1 John 5:3), and loves others, which means to treat others the way they want to be treated. (Baca ogé: What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?).
When a (grand)parent, a spouse, a child, or another family member, friend, acquaintance, colleague, jsb. mistreats them, gives an undesired answer, speaks evil of the person, or falsely accuses the person. They shall be led by the love of God and shall forgive the person and forget the whole matter.
They shall not make a fuzz about the wrongs done to them but shall let it go. When people walk in love, then it won’t matter, what other people say and do to them. The person shall always be forgiving towards others and shall not strife.
The love shall cover all misbehavior, rebellion, and sins done to them. They shall not only love by speech but shall love in deed and in truth (1 John 3:18)
Ku kituna, the deeds of a person testify, whether the person walks in hate or love.
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