Methali 10:4 – The lazy believer versus the diligent believer

Methali Gani 10:4 maana, He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent makes rich.

What Does Proverbs 10:4 Mean?

He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent makes rich (Methali 10:4)

Katika Mithali 10:4, we read about a lazy person and a diligent person and what their attitude and work ethic bring forth in their lives. The lazy person, who deals with a slack hand becomes poor. But the hand of the diligent person makes rich.

This truth also applies to Christians. A lazy believer becomes poor and a diligent believer becomes rich. Hii ina maana gani?

The Lazy Believer

Katika Parable of the Talents, Jesus discussed both the lazy believer and the diligent believer. When Christians are lazy and don’t do anything with the talent that God has given them, God will not be proud of them. Kinyume chake, God will hold them accountable for the fact that they didn’t do anything.

When a believer:

  • doesn’t seek those things which are above and don’t spend time to the things of the Kingdom of Heaven, but instead seek those things which are on earth and spend their time to the things of this world,
  • doesn’t read and study, Bibilia (Neno la Mungu) and doesn’t obey and apply the words of God in his/her life,
  • doesn’t or hardly pray and isn’t persistent in prayer,
  • doesn’t obey the Lord and submit to Him and therefore doesn’t serve Him,

the believer shall not grow up into the sonship of God (hii inatumika kwa wanaume na wanawake) and stay spiritually poor.

The believer shall not get to know the Lord and His will. Just like the servant with the one talent, who thought that he knew his lord, lakini katika hali halisi, he didn’t know his lord at all. Because he didn’t know the Lord and His will, he lost everything and was cast into the outer darkness.

When a believer is slothful and lazy and doesn’t do anything with what God has given the believer, the Lord shall eventually take everything away from the believer.

The Diligent Believer

But a believer, who is fervent in spirit, awake, and diligent with what God has given to him/her will reap other fruits.

When a believer:

  • seeks those things which are above, and spends time with God, and is busy doing the things of the Kingdom of God
  • studies the Bible (Neno la Mungu) and apply the words of God to his/her life,
  • is faithful and fervent in prayer,
  • is obedient to the Lord, submits himself/herself, and serves Him wholeheartedly

then the believer shall spiritually mature and grow up in the sonship of God and become (Kiroho) Tajiri.

Are You A Lazy Believer Or A Diligent Believer?

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises (Waebrania 6:10-12).

Just as Jesus described in the parable of the talents, the Lord shall judge every man according to his/her works (Mathayo 16:27, Warumi 2:6, Ufunuo 22:12).

God has given everything to uumbaji mpya (mtu mpya), who is created in Jesus Christ. But it’s up to the new creations, what they do with the grace and inheritance of God.

Therefore don’t be slothful, don’t be lazy, but stay awake, and be steadfast in the faith. Be patient and diligent. Love the Lord above all, and serve Him with everything that He has given you. So that you become rich in Him and glorify and exalt Him and the Father through your life and works.

“Kuwa chumvi ya dunia”

Unaweza Pia Kupenda

    kosa: Maudhui haya yanalindwa