Przysłowia 10:6-7 – The memory of the just

Jakie jest znaczenie Przysłów 10:6-7, Blessings are upon the head of the just, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked. The memory of the just is blessed, but the name of the wicked shall rot.

Violence covers the mouth of the wicked

Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covers the mouth of the wicked. The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot (Przysłowia 10:6-7)

The seed of man is affected by evil. Dlatego, wszyscy, who won’t repent to the living Jesus Christ and not become narodzić się na nowo w duchu, will walk in the sinful nature, as the old creation, who thinks, walks, and talks like the world.

hebrajski 3:12 an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God

Their heart is unrenewed. Therefore their words, which come forth, out of their sinful nature and unrepented heart, contain violence. (Przeczytaj także: Co Biblia mówi o starym człowieku?).

Their words may seem pious, compassionate, pełen nadziei, obiecujący, and even credible, but their promising words will hide violence. Their words are poison and bring forth corruption. Not only to themselves but also to the people around them.

Dlaczego? Ponieważ, what they proclaim and promise are in reality lies, którzy sprzeciwiają się Słowu Bożemu.

They only proclaim prosperity, while the Word says something else, and live in rebellion as enemies of the Word.

Jezus powiedział, by the fruit you shall know them. For a good tree can’t bring forth evil fruit, ani złe drzewo nie może wydać dobrego owocu. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire (Mateusz 7:17-19)

What lives in the heart of men will (w końcu) become visible in their lives.

An unregenerate man lives as an enemy of God and His Word and walks in rebellion against God and His Word, Spełnianie uczynków ciała:

cudzołóstwo, cudzołóstwo, Nieczystość, Nadmierne uczucia, zła pożądliwość, chciwość, gniew, gniew, złośliwość , bluźnierstwo, Paskudna komunikacja z twoich ust, Kłamliwy, lubieżność, bałwochwalstwo, czary, nienawiść,, zmienność, emulacje, walka, bunty, herezje, zazdrość, morderstwa, pijaństwo, revelling (Galatów 5:19-21, Kolosan 3:5-9)

The memory of the wicked

For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption (Galatów 6:8)

Their name will be forgotten as long as they won’t repent of their works, and not become the new man, who God has created after His image. They will not be written in the Book of Life. If they are not written in the Book of Life, they shall enter eternal death.

The blessings of the just

But those, who believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as Saviour and Lord, i narodzić się na nowo w Nim, they are redeemed from their sinful nature. They’ve crucified their flesh in Christ and are risen from the (duchowy) śmierć. (Przeczytaj także: Wiara w imię Jezusa).

They have exchanged their flesh, which was corrupted, for the spirit, and they shall walk in the life of God; in the spiritual blessings of God.

Since they belong to Jesus Christ, they have crucified the flesh with their affections and lusts. Dlatego, they not walk after the flesh, ale po Duchu, zgodnie ze Słowem, and bear the owoc Ducha:

Miłość, radość, pokój, cierpliwość, delikatność, dobroć, wiara, meekness and temperance (Galatów 5:23-24)

The memory of the just

The just shall not only inherit the Kingdom of God but the just shall also bring the Kingdom of God on earth. They shall be a blessing to others and the memory of the just will be blessed. (Przeczytaj także: Chodź w królestwie, które dał ci Bóg).

As long as the just walk on the path of life, their names shall be written in the Book of Life. And because their names are written in the Book of Life, they shall have eternal life.

„Bądź solą ziemi’

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