Liproverbia 3:31 – Envy not the oppressor and choose none of his ways

Moelelo oa Maele ke ofe 3:31-32, U se ke ua honohela mohatelli, mme le se ke la kgetha le e nngwe ya ditsela tsa hae. Etsoe ea khelohileng ke manyala ho Jehova: empa sephiri sa hae se ho ba lokileng?

Why you should not envy the oppressor and choose none of his ways?

U se ke ua honohela mohatelli, mme le se ke la kgetha le e nngwe ya ditsela tsa hae. Etsoe ea khelohileng ke manyala ho Jehova: empa sephiri sa hae se ho ba lokileng(Liproverbia 3:31-32)

The oppressor is a man of violence and unjust gain. He is an unrighteous man, ya tsamayang tseleng ya bokgopo. Mehleng ena ho na le lefufa le leholo har'a batho. People look at each other and are often jealous. They look at people, ba atlehileng le ba ruileng. Batho, ba phelang matlong a maholo a maholo, drive expensive cars, etc. Many envy their lives and especially their possession and want what they have.

image desert bible text proverbs 3-31-32 envy not the oppressor choose none of his ways

They think that happiness depends upon chelete, wealth, and being successful. Ka hona, they watch other people’s lives, who are wealthy and successful, and follow their path. But their path is the path of the world; the path of unrighteousness.

Leha ho le joalo, the Lord doesn’t want you to choose the way of the unrighteous and follow the ways of the oppressor.

He doesn’t want you to go that way, because He knows where this road will lead you to, namely eternal death.

The way of the unrighteous is an abomination to the Lord. He despises the pride and the deeds of sinners.

Etsoe ea khelohileng ke manyala ho Jehova: empa sephiri sa hae se ho ba lokileng

The Lord wants you to go His way and follow His words. But you can only enter the way of the Lord and walk on the way of the Lord if you are born again and have laid down and crucified your flesh, le died to this world.

When you go His way, and do what He says, then you shall walk in righteousness and holiness. He shall be with you, reveal Himself to you, and have communion with you through His Word. He shall enlighten the eyes of your understanding, through His Word and His Spirit.

So don’t be blinded by money, fortune, and wealth. Let them not become your focus in life. U se ke ua honohela mohatelli 'me u se ke ua kena tseleng ea hae. Empa kgetha tsela ya Morena, hobane tsela ya hae e tla o isa bophelong bo sa feleng.

‘E be letsoai la lefatše’

U ka boela ua rata

    phoso: Litaba tsena li sirelelitsoe