Пословицы 3:35 – Наследство мудрых и глупых

Что значит Пословицы 3:35 in the Bible mean, The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools?

Why the wise shall inherit glory?

The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools (Пословицы 3:35)

The wise, те, who have found wisdom and walk in this wisdom. It is not the wisdom of the world, но мудрость Божья.

The wise walk according to the words of God in the will of the Lord. They walk in His commandments; in holiness, and righteousness.

By their walk and by doing His will, they show the Lord God, что они люби Его above all.

The inheritance of the righteous in Christ will be glory and eternal life.

Why shame be the promotion of fools?

Однако, the fools, те, who go their own way. They don’t want to have anything to do with the Lord.

The fools don’t listen to Him and what His Word says, but they reject His words and commandments and walk according to their own will, fulfilling their own carnal lusts and desires.

The fools walk in darkness; in sin and unrighteousness. Because they live in sin and iniquity, shame shall be the promotion of their walk and their final destination will be hell. Shame and death will be their inheritance.

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