Что означают пословицы 3:5, Доверьтесь Господу всем своим сердцем и не полагайтесь на свой разум?
The world wants you to lean unto your own understanding
Хотя пословицы 3:5 says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and not lean on your own understanding, the world says the exact opposite. The world teaches you to trust in yourself and to lean unto your own knowledge, мудрость и понимание.
The world encourages and instructs everyone to study and gain a lot of (плотской) знания и мудрость. So that every person is filled with the knowledge of the world and is wise (according to the standards of this world) and lives according to this knowledge and wisdom.
The world wants you to rely solemnly on your human knowledge, мудрость, понимание, и способность. Сюда, the world eliminates the Word and makes people independent of God and dependent on (the words and things of) мир.
Путь мира – не путь Господа
Однако, the way of the world is not the way of the Lord. Господь хочет чего-то другого. The Lord wants you to trust in Him and depend on Him. He wants to have a relationship with you and wants to take care of you, обеспечить для вас, and protect you. К тебе есть только одно требование, который, a total surrender to Him and to fully trust in Him.
Сейчас, you can’t trust someone if you don’t know the person. Поэтому, если ты хочешь довериться Господу, you have to get to know the Lord.
The only way to get to know the Lord is through His Word.
Jesus is the way to the Father. He is the Living Word that became flesh. Through Him, ты познаешь Отца.
Only when you read, изучать, и размышлять над Его Словом, ты познаешь Его.
Когда ты узнаешь Его, you shall be able to trust in Him.
When you trust in Him, ты будешь слушать Его, believe and obey His words, и применять Его слова в своей жизни. You shall walk by faith in obedience to God according to His Word. (Читайте также: Слушатели против исполнителей).
Что значит Пословицы 3:5 иметь в виду, trust in the Lord with all your heart?
Доверься Господу всем своим сердцем; и не полагайся на разум твой (Пословицы 3:5)
But the Lord says, to trust Him with all your heart. Это не значит 95% или 99%, но это значит 100%. It’s a total submission to God. With everything you do, it’s all about what the Word of God says. What is written in the Bible?
Дело не в том, что ты думаешь, что ты узнал, what kind of degree(с) you have or your title(с). Потому что мудрость мира сего есть безумие пред Богом.
The wisdom of the world opposes the wisdom of God. They don’t go together. You decide to follow the way of the world or to follow the way of the Word.
Вот почему Бог говорит, Trust Me completely. Don’t rely on your earthly wisdom and studies, and what your senses tell you, don’t rely on your human intellect and ability, but trust Me”
The Lord sees and knows everything. He is acquainted with everything you’re going through.
Он всегда с тобой. Our Father wants the best for your life. (Читайте также: What is God’s will is not your will?).
The Word is written and given out of love for you, to guide you in your life and to keep you from evil.
Больше ничего Отец не может сделать, to show you how much He loves you. He revealed Himself and shown His love through His Word.
Do you trust in the Lord or do you lean unto your own understanding?
Now it’s up to you to trust in the Lord with all your heart or that you trust in the world and do your will and lean unto your own understanding.
If you trust in the Lord with all your heart, you shall submit your life to Him and obey His words and walk in His commandments and do His will in your life.
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