Sprichwörter 4:14 – Do not enter into the path of the wicked

Was bedeuten die Sprüche? 4:14-15, Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away?

Why you should not enter into the path of the wicked?

Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away (Sprichwörter 4:14-15)

There are two paths in life; the path of the righteous and the path of the wicked. Everyone has to make a choice in life, on which path, they want to walk on. You too!

If you serve God, durch Jesus Christus, and walk after the Spirit in obedience to His Word, then you shall walk on the path of righteousness. But if you leave His Word and depart from Seine Gebote and disobeys the Word, you shall enter into the path of the wicked.

Wer aber sein Wort in sich bewahrt, der ist die vollendete Liebe Gottes 1 John 2:5The wicked are prideful and rebellious and don’t want to have anything to do with God. Sie wollen ihr eigenes Leben leben.

They want to do their own will and fulfill the lusts and desires of their flesh.

The unbelievers don’t follow up on the instructions of God. They don’t consider His instructions good but evil, while His instructions would keep them save and lead to eternal life.

And so they ignore God and His love towards them and go their own way.

The path of the wicked is not God’s way but it’s the path of the devil that leads to hell; eternal death.

The Father wants to have a relationship with everyone. He doesn’t want anyone to perish That’s why He has given you His Son; the living Word and His commandments.

The path of the righteous leads to eternal life

If you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and repent and become born again in Him, you receive the Holy Spirit. When you become a neue Kreation and the Holy Spirit lives in you, God’s Law, the Law of Spirit and Life, is written upon your new heart.

The Holy Spirit teaches you and guides you. When you listen to Him, and do what He tells you to do, than you shall walk in His will. As long as you stay in the Word and live after the Spirit you shall be save and receive eternal life.

There will be many moments in your life, where you have to make a choice: to stay faithful to God and His Word or to depart from His Word and listen to what your flesh and the world say.

Avoid the way of evil man, turn away from it

The Father advises us not to enter the path of the wicked, and not to go in the way of evil men. You should avoid it, pass not by it, turn away from it, and pass away.

When you listen to His advise, then His wisdom shall save your life.

„Sei das Salz der Erde.“’

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