Proverbji 8:1 – The cry of wisdom and the voice of understanding

What is the meaning of Proverbs 8:1, Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice

Does not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice?

Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice(Proverbji 8:1)

The Word cries, but who is willing to listen? Who is able to hear the truth of God and hear the wisdom and receive understanding?

Many Christians have departed from the Word and put water into the wine. They have opened the doors of their hearts for the world to enter. Because of that, the world is seated in the hearts of their lives and in the churches. They have compromised with the world, and now, they reap the fruit thereof.

1 Corinthians 3:18-19 The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God

There are preachers in the pulpit, who are sometimes even atheists. They believe in evolution and deny God by rejecting His words.

They earned their PhD in Theology and rely on their natural wisdom and ability. According to the church system, the PhD proves that they are qualified to preach.

But who are they really and what do they preach? Are they born again in Christ and spiritual and do they preach righteousness and life? Or are they carnal and do they preach sin and death?

Unfortunately, there are many preachers, who preach carnal words that don’t lead to eternal life but death. They preach motivational sermons that keep people in the bondage of sin.

They talk like the world and live like the world and allow sin in the church

If the gospel and the life of Jesus were preached and if life was handed out to the people, then the churches would be spiritual lighthouses that draw people to the church.

When Jesus walked on earth, the people were drawn to Him. Jesus was the only One, Who could give them what they needed, namely Life.

Godly wisdom and understanding

You need to become born again and you need the Holy Spirit, because you can only understand the Word by the Spirit, and not by the carnal doctrines and philosophies of people, who are sensual and live after the flesh. Many times a study of theology, brings you further away from the Truth, than closer to the Truth.

That’s why there is a need for preachers, who are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, and live in submission to Jesus Christ, and walk after the Spirit. Instead of educated preachers, who have a lot of head (or sense) knowledge of the word, but are carnal and live after the flesh.

We need preachers, who preach the Life of Jesus Christ again and sanctification. Who don’t tolerate sin, but correct and discipline Christians and expose the dangers of sin.

When you open the Word, the Bible, and listen, then you shall hear the wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice.

When you hear them, it’s up to you, whether you want to listen to wisdom and understanding or rebel and reject them, and close the Bible, so that you silence the Word and won’t hear wisdom and understanding anymore.

‘Be the salt of the earth’

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