箴言 8:13 – Why you should turn away from evil?

箴言中 8:13, it is written that the fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Jesus says, that if you walk in the fear of the Lord, you shall hate evil and you shall turn away from it instead of doing evil. When you become born again, you become a new creation and are not a sinner anymore. You have received the Holy Spirit and have His nature. Because of this new nature, you shall turn away from evil; sin and iniquity, because God can’t have communion with sin.

You will change and turn away from evil

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil wayand the froward mouth, do I hate (箴言 8:13).

As soon as you become a new creation, you will change. The residues from your old former life as a sinner: certain habits, behaviour, wrong thinking, ETC. must be removed. These residues can only be removed with the help and power of the Holy Spirit, and by renewing your mind with the Word.

Old man is crucified in Christ

As soon as you renew your mind with the Word of God, and walk after the Spirit, you shall experience an aversion against certain habits, 慾望, lusts, ETC。, which are against the will of God.

The more you renew your mind and be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, the more you will start to hate these evil habits, way of thinking, ETC.

How fast this transformation will go depends upon you.

Some people will change overnight and some people will change slowly. But when you become a new creation you will change and you shall turn from evil. Because you love the Lord Jesus and you fear the Lord God (另請閱讀: Do you love God with all your heart?).

The old man with its sinful nature has been crucified with Christ, that’s why you are delivered power of darkness and from the law of sin. Sin will no longer have dominion over you and be part of your life anymore.

If you believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour, but stay the same person with the same habits, behaviour, and way of thinking, and keep walking in sin, you might ask yourselves: “Am I a new creation? Am I really born again?」

Sin separates man from God

You saw what happened at the cross, when Jesus took all humanity’s sin upon Himself: Jesus was separated from God. Sin separates man from God. God can’t have communion with sin.


If His nature; 聖靈, lives inside of you, then it’s impossible to keep walking in sin. Because His nature can’t have communion with sin.

We know absolutely that everyone who has been born of God and as a result is a regenerated individual (新的創造) does not keep on habitually sinning(1 約翰 5:18)

The blood of Jesus doesn’t give a license to keep sinning. You can’t use the grace of God to keep sinning.

Do you think that Jesus would approve if you keep walking after the will of your previous father; the devil

Did Jesus die for you, so that you would remain living in the bondage of sin again?

If you keep walking in sin, you show that you don’t love Jesus or the Lord God. It shows that you don’t want to serve and obey Jesus Christ at all. Because the fear of the Lord begins with turning away from evil as is written a.o. in Proverbs 8:13.

Jesus hates evil

Jesus hates pride, arrogance, the evil way (walking after the flesh), and a froward mouth, which is a mouth full of lies, and hypocrisy. A mouth that is not managed well by the owner.

The Word is very clear about evil. Let us, therefore, obey His instructions, and turn away from evil.



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